
Vital Statistics

  Maternal mortality rate: Total no. of female due to pregnancy, childbirth or within 42 days after delivery in a given year *1000 Total No. of live birth in that same area and year Perinatal Mortality Rate: Late Fetal death ( 28 weeks gestation or more)+ Early neonatal death(First week) in one year   *1000 Live birth in same year Neonatal Mortality Rate: Number of death of children under 28 days in a given year     *    1000 Live birth in same year Post neonatal mortality rate: Number of death of children between 28 days to one year of age in a given year       *1000 Live birth in same year   Infant mortality Rate:       Neonatal Mortality Rate + Post neonatal mortality rate Number of death of children under 1 year of age      * 1000 Live birth in same year Under 5 mortality Rate: Number of death of children less than 5 years of age in a given ...

Preventive pediatrics:

  Preventive pediatrics: It is defined as the prevention of disease and promotion of Physical, Mental and Social well being of children with the aim of gaining positive health and to reduce mortality and morbidity rate. National Programmes related to child health and welfare: A.     MCH B.      RCH C.      ICDS D.     Breastfeeding, Weaning E.      BFHI F.       Under five clinic G.     Universal Immunization Program H.     School Health Services I.        National Health Policy J.        Nutritional Services K.     Diarrheal disease control program A. Maternal And Child Health (MCH): It refers to the promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative health care for mother and children, family planning, school health, care of handicappe...

Acts for children

  1. The children’s Act 1960 ·          Amended in 1977 ·          Provides care, maintenance, welfare, training education and rehabilitation of children ·          Following type of children may come under this act: ·          Neglected child who found bagging, without home, orphan, whose parents are unfit for child care, who lives with prostitute, whose parent’s have leprosy, who is in moral danger 2. Juvenile Justice Act 1986 ·          It is now replaced by new juvenile justice act 2000. ·          It imposes on the state primary responsible of ensuring that all needs of children should be met along with their basic human rights. ·          This is used who has not completed 18 years of age ...

Rights of child


Emerging challenges in Pediatric nursing, Rights of children

Emerging challenges in Pediatric nursing 

Role of Nurses


Trends in Paediatric nursing
